Dear Human being who hopefully has a mind of Wisdom and a loving heart,
I'm writing this letter to you because I think that if you have knowledge that
can help people avoid danger then you should share it. And because you
deserve to be warned.
The topic of this letter may be strange to you but here goes, ... it's the
mark of the beast. When I learned the monetary system I discovered that it
was corrupt and controlled by secret society members. Is it possible that our
current monetary system in conjunction with secret societies constitutes the
power of the first beast as revealed in the Bible? What they do is simple,
they loan non-existant money to governments and charge them interest. What a
way to make a living! Loan a trillion nothings, make them print out the
money, and then demand all the interest on the trillions. And the interest of
course comes from your hard work and your taxes. You and me become slaves to
keep the elite thieves in vampiric power. I don't hate them personally
because I know that some of their memebers are blackmailed into working for
them. I can't hate someone who's being forced to do something.
On the net there is a ton of info and I've been surfing and learning. I
believe that they will phase in a new monetary system soon. In the Bible it
mentions that they will mark everyone on their right hand or forehead. Why
the right hand and not the left? Could it have something to do with
computers? The current system is doomed to failure. All system such as ours
have always failed in the past after a short period of time. All of them.
Right now the technology is in place to phase in a banking system in which
banks are replaced with personal computers and an identifying system. Since
most computers use a right hand mouse it would benefit to build an identifying
system into the mouse. Furthermore they have now created a mouse headband
that picks up the brainwaves of the person, interprets them and uses them to
control the computer. There is also a company that has created a micro
retinal display. Worn like goggles it paints a computer image on the back of
your retina and eliminates the need for a monitor. The Bible says that the
second beast will have the power to make the image of the beast speak. Could
this be a computerized digitized avatar much like our current video games use?
So now all the pieces are in place for the antichrist to come to power
and take advantage of them. If he tried he could easily become the next Bill
Gates by selling hardware to turn your own computer into a personal bank.
You'd get paid at your job by receiving credits to your computer much like an
email. To spend you'd have to be in the system and just accept their system of
money and give your thumbprint or have the computer identify you by what's in
your forehead, your individual brainwaves. The guy who decides to create and
sell the software for this system would have a monopoly on the money supply by
default since you'd have to buy his stuff from him only. The dangers of this
system are found in the science of mind control. Mind control is very real,
very dangerous, and it's killing people right now. People are so ignorant of
what's going on and trusting. Trust a vampire and you die. I don't know if
you have access to a computer or know someone who does but if you do, please
look up Mind Control Forum and then my name under the victim's list.
MCF - Victims: Ken D. Webber
It will tell you all the vital information on the how's and why's of current
electromagnetic warfare.
Finally I ask you to stay away from all future money systems arising.
Smart cards, digital banking online, and the use of thumbprint scanners in
supermarkets and stores. Wal-mart is already using them. Is this the mark of
the beast or perhaps a precursor? Why take chances or support a system that
leads to even more tyranny. Will people walk blindly into this system if it
forms? If our current system collapsed and people were starving how many
would turn to an evil system just to eat? Please don't think all this stuff
is fantasy because it was written in an old book thousands of years old.
Prophecies are very specific and the mathematical odds of fulfilled prophecy
are astounding! Current odds are one in ten billion so far on the ones that
have come to pass. If this stuff sounds crazy to you, well, I can't help
that. You just keep on thinking that the world's flat and that there's a
bridge in San Francisco for sale. I wish that this stuff didn't exist but it
does and it kills people. Mind control, government abuses of power, money
games, and the rise of the antichrist are real. People don't think people
like Hitler, Jim Jones, Charlie Manson, and others are a threat until they
actually carry out their evil plans and by that time it's too late for
warnings. Please, please, please, be careful. May Jesus Christ bless you and
keep you mark free.