A Glimps of Heaven part 3
I have written the following rhythmic poem, so that you may see some things to watch out for, and how grand we can be. May the Lord guide you, and shed His light upon you, that you might see. Amen.
So as it goes, out with our old ways, and in with Gods new, if you’re not ready, beg for mercy, and repent through and through, this is the last chance, so do not stew, because if you do, you may end up, with the evil one too. With his mark upon you, in the bottomless pit, tormented through and through, with the gnashing of teeth, instead of birds singing, you may wish you were dead, but you hear hells bells ringing. So do not be afraid, to walk with the Lord, for he is the light, and one to be adored, and if you walk with him, you will see, you will be adored, especially of those, who’s hearts are like rock, and their hearts are not free. So know the truth, your Lord gives you now, or mankind will subdue you, with evils some how. Some how? Some how? With evils some how? Learn of the mark, the mark of the beast, you will see how? With the mark of the beast, he’ll get you for now, but do not be fooled, it is better to die, than believe Satan’s lie, do not get the mark, and kiss Gods Kingdom good by. So do not take the mark, or worship the beast, so if your put to death, for rejecting the beast, know its Gods plan, that you may sit at the banquet table, and have a great feast. and feast with your Lord Jesus. But to die, but to die, oh it strikes fear in you so, but not if you know, the way things will go. But if it does strike fear in you so, ask your self this, so that you may know. Who has been born, that has not died, except those with you now, that have not died yet? Do you perceive? Do you perceive? Its part of Gods plan, from Adam and Eve. So your Lord God writes you, in the Holy Bible for you, in the book of Revelations for Now!! Not to cause fights, but to save your soul, from that infernal A-hole, yes it is he, Satan himself, who will try his best, to take you away, and lead you astray, yes Satan knows, what mankind loves today, how we love money, but when the price is your soul, it wont seem like honey, yes Satan has, control of our money, this is his tool, so don’t think its funny, to let it control you, like bears go to honey, we know we are wise, but do not believe lies, but if it were not for that money, we would be OK, like bears with out honey. But bears with out honey, still stuck with their flees, so time must move on, like the breeze in the trees. The Lord has a plan, that does not sleep, and yes, yes, for now any way, yes its your money, and hell might you pay. Yes it is true, because of our money, Satan will want to mark you, so your money, can flow threw the system, like very warm honey. But you look like God, so don’t defile that to, with the mark of the beast, upon your own skin too. You might think its OK, if its not in your spectrum, but it is not just a mark, but it pierces straight threw, leaving a gaping hole, in your soul, were the evil one can pass through, and make you blind to the world, that is all around you, and binding you up, as though in a lake of cold honey, but you will not see, because it is all of your money, and God considers the mark, to be as a vow, that you will serve Satan, through eternity now. And you can not see, until your heart is made free, with the light of the Lord, and you’ll agree, Satan is tricky, just like you or me, can often be. When you can see, out side your self, yes he is real, its Satan him self, and with out much appeal. But when you are lost, do not pay hells cost, for it is your soul, and hell, will swallow it hole, but pray on your knees, and beg the Lord please, that he might have grace, and find you a place, were the birds will sing daily, and there will be a sweet breeze, so do not quit, I beg of you please. Give praise to our Lord, Jesus Christ, for his hand reaches up, to the very highest, he is the one, to be adored, so give praise, give praise, praise be to our Lord, and may God keep you free, in the light that shines eternally, soft hearted, wise and wholesome like he, and with out a vow to iniquity. So make you self pure, and keep your self clean, because Satan is here, and he is very, very, mean. Many of his children live here with us now, but don’t let that bother you, it will pass some how. Some how? Some how? It will pass some how? Yes, it will, and you will see, how sorry, those sowers, of iniquity, will be, and especially, those with their hearts hardened, in evil ways, for they will reap tears, and everlasting fire, on judgment day. So trust in the Lord, your savior he is, Jesus Christ himself, and yes he does give. Look at this planet, he gave us for free, where we can learn to over come evils, and iniquities. But the time has run short, for you and for me, to solve all our problems of iniquity. So now, so now, you surely must see, its your faith in Christ, that’s how it must be, so he writes you, and tells, of how to be set free, from the bondage of hell, for eternity. So writes the Lord, to you, and to me, how to escape this catastrophe. But how? but how? Can we do it you say. But how, but how, the Lord lights the way! But the question is, who, I said who are you to day? And do you let the Lord light your way? Or do you simply go astray? From the path in the Bible he gives you to day. OK, OK, your on the path today. But what about tomorrow, tomorrow, and tomorrow, I say. Will you be on the path, that path, he gives you to day. That is what he wants to know. Can you be set free, to go astray, and sow a path of iniquity, throughout all of eternity? And if, if that were to be, who would clean up after your iniquity, throughout all, all eternity? You see, Can you truly see, it can not be. That is why, you see? There can be no iniquity, for an eternity. That is why the Lord, the Lord does say, come on to me like a child. You see? You see? The ways we live, are no good, for you, or, for me, and God can not except that standard, through out eternity. There for you maybe, actually can see, the plan God has made, for you, and me. If we do not choose, the devils ways, or let Satan trick us, to pull us astray. Then you see God may say, come on to me like a child, and learn, our, good, ways! And you may be set free, throughout all eternity. With a immortal body, like unto his. What a Grand Gift that would be. What a glorious eternity, we can for see. From the words of our creator, he has written to us, so we can know, just what we can be. No spectrum of light, but all, we will see. There for the glory of God, will be visible to you, and to me. Would you like to be physical, or just spiritual at will, it may be a gift, the Bible does tell. For we will be like him. Praise be to God, Praise every day. Do not, do not, get lead astray. But know the words of God, and worship Jesus to day, and every day, There is no time to play, in the evil ones way, the time will go fast, so don’t go astray. Praise be to God, every single day. Remember Jesus died, on the cross for you, not just for one day a year, but for every moment of your life. So live your life, to honor the love he has shown you. And God will be pleased with you. And you will have glorified He, who created you. So be strong in the faith. And patients will pay, So go now, go now, be on your way, and spread the good news of the gospel to day. May Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, be with you.
For I, A Watcher For Truth, one man of mankind, have devoted my Heart and mind to declare unto you the truth, that you might see, know, believe, and live.
BY: A Watcher For Truth 2/20/1996 A.D.
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