A Glimps of Heaven part 2
Now concerning the world, and its creator, GOD THE ALL MIGHTY OF ALL CREATIONS. GOD OF THE JEWS AND GENTILES. As the holy scripture clearly point out to us GOD is the beginning and end of all existence, of all things physical and spiritual. GOD is the giver of life. GOD was never a human. But GOD created humans. A brief scriptural history of GOD and mankind tells us, there was a dark and empty void every where for infinity. Then there was the word. The first of any intelligence and thought. And the word was with GOD and the word was GOD. And the darkness comprehended it not. Because how can an empty void of darkness comprehend anything. And this is GOD in the beginning. THE ALL MIGHTY GOD OF ALPHA AND OMEGA. GOD OF THE JEWS AND GENTILES. Then in who knows how long, GOD created all the planets and the stars, and the hosts of heaven and all the angels, who are quickened spirits, and there was war in Heaven. A top ranking angel named Lucifer wanted to be as GOD is. And there was war. GOD cast out Lucifer and all his followers and made a place to contain them called haties or hell. Them GOD created earth and man to rule over and subdue the earth and all its critters. And GOD created woman to be with man that they should love one another, and breed and multiply on the earth. And GOD enabled mankind to think and understand truth as GOD and the Heavenly hosts do. And GOD determined the mortal life time of a man or woman. And GOD became displeased with mankind and destroyed all except for the family of Noah. Then Noah’s family multiplied and started building a city with a tower so they would not be scattered over the whole earth. They built the tower as a meeting place. But GOD saw what they were accomplishing, and said, for this they do and now they will achieve any thing they can imagine to do. And GOD there for confused there language and scattered them abroad upon the face of the whole earth. So here we are today still scattered with many languages and nations, and our technologies going beyond our moral fiber. Which can only spell unprecedented disaster. But in the holy scriptures this is all still part of GOD’S plan and the things to come in the future witch will test every persons faith and love of the truth to its braking point. And for some of less faith it will be beyond the point of their faith. These world wide tests of our faith GOD clearly spells out to us in the Holy Bible. And the reason being is that time is short and there will be no more natural state or no more mortal humans. And as the plan of GOD goes, GOD wants to separate all the faithful knowing that Jesus Christ is the true son of GOD, from those lacking in faith in order to be more organized for the judgment day. I very strongly urge you to read your King James Bible with out paradigms in your mind or as the Bible would put it with out a hardened heart, so you may get the hole truth of the Gospel imbedded in your soul. It is good food for the soul. And it will help to insure an eternity without torment. But you may not have time or want to make the time to learn the truth. And I pray that GOD and his son Jesus Christ do not feel like wise about the worth whileness about you and your worldly ways. But they will. Because the end times which we live in will contain tricks and traps that GOD has established so that the unsure will be tricked into receiving the mark or worshipping the beast, the beast of the Holy Bible, such as the United Nations and a solitary world government. So when judgment day comes we humans that lived in the end time will be preseparated and prechastised and predestined for heaven or hell. Unlike those who died in the previous generations. Those who died before are in Heaven and hell and some are sleeping. They will be raised for the judgment and any that are cast into hell, this is called the second death. So watch the world, and know your scriptures. Do not depend on your church for this information, if you go to church. The truth of the Holy Bible will not be socially accepted, as it is already outlawed in our public schools. So watch your self, and help your brothers and sisters in Christ, and learn the truth and know it, until it is deeply rooted in your soul. And do not trust the Catholic Church for she is the WHORE of revelation. This I know that you must trust only the unadulterated words of the original King James Bible.
Now concerning the laws GOD has given us so that we may live with the LORD for eternity. And uphold the integrity of the truth. The law of GOD, was given to us by GOD, that we may choose the ways of life, and the ways of light. And some will say but there are so many laws, and how can I my self distinguish between the laws of mankind and the laws of the King James Holy Bible, and the laws of some other scrolls, that are apparently also the laws of GOD THE ALL MIGHTY? And some of us do ask this. But look at it this way. Being GOD had created you, and the world, and all the havens, planets and stars, and every thing that exists from the beginning and to the end of all, and the GOD that gave his only son for our sanctification and justification, and being the GOD that designed you and the ground you walk on. as the GOD OF ABRAHAM, MOSES, MATTHEW, LUKE AND JOHN, OF ALPHA AND OMEGA. Do you not think that this GOD would establish a consolidated book of his truth? A GOD which created the ground he allows you to walk on, because of his love and grace for you, And I am here to tell you, the truth is consolidated in the Original King James Bible, And the revisions of it are not the revisions of GOD but the revisions of mankind, witch is defilement of the eternal words of GOD, Because the Holy Bible was not for any man to twist into his understanding but is the truth of which the thrown of GOD has proclaimed for mankind, for the mind of mankind, as now and forever to refer to. And it is a book not of mans doing but it is a book that will always be as it is, because it is the truth, the truth of the GOD OF ALPHA AND OMEGA, the first and the last of all, but utter darkness, silenceness and thoughtlessness, as it was nothingness before the time of GOD, who even created us. But for mankind it is a book to calibrate the mind and spirit, as an inch is an inch and a cubit will always be a cubit, unless your measuring stick has become defiled. Yes this is true. So do not use a Bible that mankind has altered and defiled with the paradigms of mankind. A another way to understand how important the original words of GOD is goes like this. If GOD were to paint you a picture and you did not fully understand that picture, would that justify some human repainting that picture out of their lack of insight, to look similar, that you might fully understand that picture? No. Because when you look at the altered reproduction you only see what the false author has imagined is correct, and the integrity and truth of the original is defiled and polluted, with a mortal perception, instead if the immortal truth of the original author. As the true words of GOD were written in the Holy Bible many of the writers said “I do not understand” but GOD tells them to write the words, because they are sealed up for a later time, and not presently comprehensible for mankind. And GOD says the words are true and will never change. So you see, the words of GOD have a certain ranking in glory and integrity, and are not to be changed and defiled by mankind, degrading the glory and integrity of the words of GOD. The truth of the words of GOD will never change but mankind changes continually. Now concerning the laws of GOD THE ALL MIGHTY and heaven. In the holy scriptures GOD loves you so much he willingly gave his only son Jesus Christ, simply for the world to devour for the ultimate sacrifice, then to raise Jesus from the died and quickened for our justification. Jesus is the one and only son and direct descendant of GOD to be our only mediator to GOD. Now it is important that you remember GOD sent Jesus for our justification, GOD wiped out mankind before because of our sinful nature, and GOD was never born and raised as a human. Therefore Jesus Christ was sent into the world for the ultimate sacrifice and to justify our existence to GOD, and to make obvious GOD’S final intention for the believers. And the way it is Jesus Christ is our attorney. Jesus Christ speaks to GOD on our behalf because he lived as a human, and GOD did not. Jesus knows first hand what it means to be born and live and die as a human. And as I recall in the Holy Scriptures Jesus the son of GOD even said “please take this cup away from me”. Because Jesus knew what his short mortal existence would In tail as being in the natural state of man kind. And as Jesus said “these are not my words but the words of he who sent me”. And as the plan of GOD goes on in time, all mankind will be raised for the judgment day, from heaven, hell, the seas, and anywhere they may be residing. Then all who go to heaven will live in heaven and all witch go to hell will go to hell for eternity. And as the Bible says the meek shall inherit the earth, the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of GOD. And so on and so forth according to your doings as you were in the natural state. You will be judged accordingly. But there is a catch, if you believe and pronounce the son of GOD as being your Savior, all through the tribulant times to death, and without worshipping the beast or accepting the mark, you will be saved, according to the laws of GOD THE ALL MIGHTY, who gave his son for our salvation and justification. But what I tell you is the truth. As Jesus said “you must come unto me as a child”. And Jesus said. “You must be reborn in the word”. And I tell you the truth, that if you do not get swallowed by the beast, this will be your next testimony to Christ of your faith in the truth. Then if you pass, it will be by the grace of Jesus Christ, and his expereance of living as a human, born in a mortal flesh. But this remember GOD was angered and destroyed all of mankind in the days of Noah. As we are, in the eyes of GOD we all fall short of the kingdom of heaven.
And now you must remember or retain all of this which I have written unto you to understand the kingdom of heaven. So now I will tell you of the KINGDOM its self as depicted in the Holy Bible. And the insight GOD has allowed me to acquire of this subject, and the reasons for the eternal laws of GOD. When a human is able to enter heaven that human will have a new body, as in a quickened spirit, the body you presently poses is discarded and returns to the earth were it was taken from. Your new body will be a spiritual body that is so magnificent that you will be able to be physical and tangible as you are now, or simple spirit at your own will. You will be able to go any where as fast as you can imagine getting there. And become physical to hug a loved one, or eat and drink as you did as a mortal. For example you will be able to be in spirit form and enter into a plant or flower and feel the presents of its life and feel it growing. I know it sounds amazing, and it is, as amazing as our LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. Now concerning your visual sight. To understand this you must understand the visual electro magnetic spectrum. The electro magnetic spectrum consists of frequencies. As you are now you can see some of this spectrum and that is called the visual spectrum. All things matter and energies emit a frequency or reflect a frequency, that is why you can see to read these words. As for example radio frequency goes threw some things and is bounce off others, and is absorbed by others and is emitted from others. And different frequencies have different characteristics. Your eyes will not see as they do now, only being able to see in the light spectrum that is now visible. But you will be able to see all. And you will literally even see the glory of GOD. Understand this. The Glory of GOD will be our light, and there will be no night time.
You will be able to see all, meaning you will be able to see all spectrums. You will be able to see sounds, which you now only can hear. You will be able to see emotions emitted from a persons soul. You will be able to see the souls of our fellow beings. You will be able to see all. For example at the airport your carry on baggage is run threw an x-ray machine so the security people can see what you are carrying onto the air plane. And what actually happens in this case is, the x-ray machine emits x-rays into your luggage, and that x-ray frequency goes threw the outer case of your luggage and its contents, and bounces back to a camera in side the x-ray machine, and the frequency of the x-ray is then translated, into our visual spectrum or frequency on a TV monitor, revealing the contents of your baggage to the security people.
What the x-ray baggage scanner can see is nothing, compared to what you will be able to see, after you are made a quickened spirit. Now you know why JESUS said, “If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things? ”
Now understanding some of our spiritual, physical and visual abilities after we are quickened, it is no wonder GOD is so picky on who shall enter the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. No sin is allowed into THE KINGDOM. There for the ways in which we live, which is of a sinful nature, is unacceptable to GOD. You see GOD and heaven are so awesome, there is nothing in mankind’s imagination to depict it all accurately. But we know that JESUS said “any one who shall enter heaven will enter only through me”. And JESUS said “You must enter as a child”. In other words you must enter with the nonparidimed innocents of a child, ready to learn the new ways. And abandoning all the old ways of life. At this point you will be and must be reborn in the word. The word of the eternal truth of GOD.
You see it is very important not to become hardened to the earthly ways of life. Because those ways are all gone and never to be any more. Except in hell, were living in the ways of death is the norm. You see the laws of GOD THE ALL MIGHTY are the laws of life, the laws of living for ever and ever. That is why for example if you live for 10 trillion years in a peace filled, loving, kind, soft hearted society, with totally awesome powers and abilities, the eternal laws or truths of GOD must be learned and followed to the utmost. To enable neighbors in heaven to live in a peace filled, loving kind, nonjudgmental, not proud, not boastful, nondesention sowing, nonwarring, nonanxieting, stable society, for ever. That is why JESUS said. “Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloke also. ”
You see in the words of GOD spoken through JESUS his SON, it is better to give in, and take abuse, rather than avenge your self, and risk becoming hardened in a way that is not compatible with heaven, and risk unacceptance at your judgment. But to ware the helmet of hope, the sword of truth and the shield of righteousness, because all battles are battles of truth and untruth, or a mixture. And JESUS also said. “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. “ And now I ask you, who do you think can destroy your soul in hell, but the creator of it, GOD him self, if you fail to be able to enter Heaven. This thought makes correct the fear of GOD in me! Does it strike the fear of GOD in you? You see, there is nothing to fear, but GOD THE ALL MIGHTY, when you compare your earthy fears to the powers and wrath of GOD.
But for now you see if you are engulfed in sin with your very limited abilities in the mortal flesh, if you can not abstain from sin, GOD allows you to reap the suffering from your sin, in the hopes you will choose to sin no more, but the clock keeps ticking and GOD’S plan does not stop for our iniquities. But you see no sin, not even a seed of a sin in your heart will enter heaven. That is why JESUS prophesied that some were not able to enter the KINGDOM. That is why you must repent and have remorse of your iniquities or your lacking of purity. GOD said “For they all fall short of the glory of GOD”. Except for the grace and glory of JESUS CHRIST, GOD would have nothing to do with us, as GOD was through with mankind in the days of Noah’s Ark. So GOD sends us his only SON JESUS, to show our ancestors first hand on how GOD would like us to live. GOD also sent his SON JESUS to earth to be the ultimate sacrifice, as when GOD said. “I so love my creation of mankind, I give my only SON unto them, as a teacher of truth, a token of my love, my ultimate sacrifice for your iniquities, and to raise him from the dead for your justification, all in hopes that not any of mankind should parish to eternal damnation, but that you may all believe the truth and know the truth.
So you see GOD is serious. GOD is so serious that in the HOLY BIBLE he tells us of how all of the end of the natural state will happen. And it goes like this. Some angels go to the LORD and say. “Look lord the earth is ripe and ready for harvest. ” and the LORD says, “No. It is to soon, we must wait a little while, or you might through away some good people with the bad by accident”. Then GOD says to separate the strong in faith which will be able to enter the KINGDOM, from the unsure in faith which would not be able to enter the KINGDOM, I will send them a strong delusion. There will be such massive social pressure that the unsure in faith will be persuaded to join the legion of Satan, and the strong in faith will be persecuted to the point were Satan’s one world government acquires a public opinion that all Christian should be put to death, and some will. And for Satan’s short lived dominion of earth I will allow Satan to attempt to force all the inhabiters of the earth to worship Satan, and I GOD THE ALMIGHTY will allow Satan to place at mark upon the right hand or in the forehead of his followers, and I GOD will allow Satan to make that mark able to receive and relay language or information, and any one who worships the Beast Satan, or receives the mark in their right hand or on their forehead will have grievous skin sores. And I GOD will allow Satan to make it so every one on earth must have this mark of Satan, or the number issued to that individual, to legally buy and sell anything. And I GOD will allow Satan to lull the nations and the unfaithful to sleep, with the false temporary peace. Then when the dividing of the peoples is complete the earth will be cleansed by fire. And Satan will be tied, and put in the bottomless pit of hell, along with those who followed him, by worshipping, idolizing and receiving his mark, and paying homage, which will be many”.
As GOD recalls and says, “I sent my only SON and they did forget him and me. And my SON JESUS told them the laws of ownership.” As the wise man said. “But Jesus who’s coin is this, and my SON JESUS replied, “who’s is the inscription on it?” And the wise man said “Caesar’s”. And my SON JESUS said to the wise man. “Give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, and give unto GOD what is GOD’S”. Now you see if you receive the insignia of the Beast Satan. GOD will say “You have received the mark of the beast, and this is a marriage vow, that you will serve Satan threw eternity now.
So you see this is GOD’S plan of the separation of the true believers and faithful, from the unsure and evil. Because to be unsure means you will be unsure and there for try to bring the iniquities of sin into heaven. You see heaven is not tolerant of a lack of faith because it would disturb the harmony of the truth. And if you are not free in heaven you are bound in hell. You can not live free for an eternity and sow iniquity, because who will clean up after your iniquities for all of eternity? No one. Like this planet earth we consume and destroy, GOD will not allow that to take place in his KINGDOM.
But GOD gave mankind this planet knowing we would end up obliterating it, so we may learn from our mistakes. But to never repeat them, and even to have the inkling of sin will not be allowed in heaven. Because GOD knows that even the seed of a sin in your heart will eventually sprout, be it in 1 year, or 10 thousand years, there for no inkling or seed of sin shall enter heaven. But I know some will say but what is sin and what is iniquity? I tell you the truth, iniquity is any thing that comes out of you that is not compatible with your future as a quickened spirit living free for an eternity. Which in simpler minded terms is any thing that comes out of you, be it spiritual, or physical that is not compatible with the eternal laws of GOD. And now what is sin? A sin is the result of an iniquity made manifest. In any such way as when you are tempted to do something wrong, and if you do it you have sinned. When you are tempted that is not a sin. But when you fulfill a wrong that is sin. Sin is the result of iniquity.
Now understand this, that in the mortal flesh we are inadequate and sinful by nature. But any sin you do, you will be held accountable for come judgment day. If you are strong enough in your faith to avoid the mark of the Beast even unto death.
Now some will say “OH MY!!” But understand this, you know weather or not to die and leave your mortal body is not an option. Weather you were living a thousand years ago or in these end times. But you will have the option of heaven or hell depending on the strength of your faith, and the judgment of GOD. As for me I will attempt to honor the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN before any kingdom of man or Satan even unto the death of my mortal, inadequate, sinful, flee bitten, mold and Bacteria growing body. So you see what you have now is nothing and even vile compared to what’s to come.
You see GOD’S glorious hopes for you are beyond comprehension. So don’t get discourage and impatient, but be proud of how you look because you look like GOD THE FATHER ALMIGHTY, but don’t be proud of your achievements because that creates a false identity because your achievements are only limited by your GOD given imagination, and what you can achieve here is nothing eternal except, loving kindness, compassionate grace, suffering for the sake of the truth, for all, as JESUS CHRIST was long suffering never defending his mortal flesh but only teaching the truth that we mite all be saved from that infernal prince Satan. So you see the world goes according to GOD’S plan, and all I can say is, “As for me and my household we will serve the LORD”.
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